Babies And Their Mothers

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Dec 21, 1992

Page Count

144 Pages





Offers insights into the central issues of infancy,
with an introduction by Benjamin Spock, M.D.

“D. W. Winnicott is a major influence on all of us who have tried to bring emotional and behavior issues into pediatrics. His work should be available to parents and to all those who work with small children in this country.”–T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.

“Dr. Winnicott was, among my seniors, the paediatrician I most admired and from whom I learned the most.”–Sir Peter Tizard, President of the British Paediatric Association

“The gentleman wrote powerfully, and with sensitivity, intelligence, and the fruits of many years of experience.”–Burton White, Ph.D., author of The First Three Years of Life

“Winnicott helped to bridge the gap for me between pediatrics and the dynamics of child development.”–Benjamin Spock, M.D.

“My reaction to this work can perhaps be best understood by imagining oneself to be the editor of some popular journal who had just received from Sigmund Freud a collection of his most important work written specifically for the educated lay public. While Winnicott’s importance continues to grow in psychoanalytic circles, this collection of essays represents Winnicott at his most creative, comprehensible, and relevant.”–Harold Bursztajn, M.D., Harvard Medical School