Talking To Parents

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Apr 21, 1994

Page Count

160 Pages





The respected child psychologist presents a collection of insightful essays full of useful advice on how to understand the parent-infant process, offering liberating and reassuring guidance on helping children succeed.

“[Winnicott’s] brilliant insights are based on a deep understanding of the parent-infant processes coupled with firm conviction that most parents want desperately to do well by their children.”–T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.

“Here was a man who could be ‘popular,’ completely accessible, without every ceasing to be profound; a man who ranged audaciously far and wide in the realms of thought, but who always came back to home base, the psychology of the child. . . . [His] ideas, too ‘premature’ to be fully understood in his lifetime, have proved crucial in the exciting coming together of psychoanalysis and developmental biology that is occurring today.”–Oliver Sacks, M.D.

“Winnicott helped to bridge the gap for me between pediatrics and the dynamics of child development.”–Benjamin Spock, M.D.

“The gentleman wrote powerfully, and with sensitivity, intelligence, and the fruits of many years of experience.”–Burton White, Ph.D.

“What I find most enjoyable is [Winnicott’s] enthusiastic, optimistic tone, his appreciation of a mother’s natural talents, and the real pleasure he finds available to parents in rearing their young.”–Marshall Klaus, M.D.

Introduction by T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.