There’s a Better Day A-Comin’

How to Find the Upside During the Down Times

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Sep 11, 2012

Page Count

256 Pages




In a time when all the news seems bad, people are searching for a little dose of hope. For those in the thick of troubling times, Ronda Rich offers heaping helpings of comfort and sound advice in There’s A Better Day A-Comin’. Here Rich shares stories of courage, spunk, and perseverance that she has either witnessed or (as in the case of Paula Deen and race car champion Dale Earnhardt), learned in conversation with them as they personally told their stories of dark times that turned brighter than their wildest imaginations. Rich knows that there is incredible power in stories, especially those that are true and have strong, wise lessons to impart. Incorporating her Southern storytelling style and vernacular, There’s A Better Day A-Comin’ is a collection of Rich’s feel-good true stories that folks can use for inspiration and encouragement.